Main entries ~3681 :
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2014-03-01 CVE-2014-1912 Buffer overflow in the socket.recvfrom_into function in Modules/socketmodule.c in Python 2.5 before 2.7.7, 3.x before 3.3.4, and 3.4.x before 3.4rc1 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted string. Mac_os_x, Python N/A
2014-04-07 CVE-2014-0160 Heartbleed - The (1) TLS and (2) DTLS implementations in OpenSSL 1.0.1 before 1.0.1g do not properly handle Heartbeat Extension packets, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory via crafted packets that trigger a buffer over-read, as demonstrated by reading private keys, related to d1_both.c and t1_lib.c, aka the Heartbleed bug. Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Fedora, Filezilla_server, V100_firmware, V60_firmware, Micollab, Mivoice, Openssl, Opensuse, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Gluster_storage, Storage, Virtualization, S9922l_firmware, Application_processing_engine_firmware, Cp_1543\-1_firmware, Elan\-8\.2, Simatic_s7\-1500_firmware, Simatic_s7\-1500t_firmware, Wincc_open_architecture 7.5
2021-09-08 CVE-2021-40346 An integer overflow exists in HAProxy 2.0 through 2.5 in htx_add_header that can be exploited to perform an HTTP request smuggling attack, allowing an attacker to bypass all configured http-request HAProxy ACLs and possibly other ACLs. Haproxy, Haproxy_docker_image 7.5
2016-06-08 CVE-2016-5108 Buffer overflow in the DecodeAdpcmImaQT function in modules/codec/adpcm.c in VideoLAN VLC media player before 2.2.4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted QuickTime IMA file. Debian_linux, Vlc_media_player 9.8
2017-06-01 CVE-2017-8386 git-shell did not correctly validate the given project path, allowing an argument injection which leads to arbitrary file reads and in some configurations command execution. Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Fedora, Git\-Shell, Leap 8.8
2018-04-06 CVE-2018-1000156 GNU patch is processd by ed. This allows arbitrary command executions through a line beginning with ! Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Patch, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation 7.8
2018-06-08 CVE-2018-4222 There is an out-of-bounds read when compiling WebAssembly source buffers in WebKit. If the buffer is a view, the offset is added to the buffer twice before this is copied. This could allow memory off the heap to be read out of the source buffer, either though parsing exceptions or data sections when they are copied Icloud, Iphone_os, Itunes, Safari, Tvos, Watchos, Ubuntu_linux 8.8
Remaining NVD entries (unprocessed / no code available): ~248334 :
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch
2024-04-25 CVE-2024-32467 MeterSphere is an open source continuous testing platform. Prior to version 2.10.14-lts, members without space permissions can view member information from other workspaces beyond their authority. Version 2.10.14-lts fixes this issue. N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2024-32481 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum virtual machine. Starting in version 0.3.8 and prior to version 0.4.0b1, when looping over a `range` of the form `range(start, start + N)`, if `start` is negative, the execution will always revert. This issue is caused by an incorrect assertion inserted by the code generation of the range `stmt.parse_For_range()`. The issue arises when `start` is signed, instead of using `sle`, `le` is used and `start` is interpreted as an unsigned... N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2023-6717 A flaw was found in the SAML client registration in Keycloak that could allow an administrator to register malicious JavaScript URIs as Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URLs (ACS), posing a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) risk. This issue may allow a malicious admin in one realm or a client with registration access to target users in different realms or applications, executing arbitrary JavaScript in their contexts upon form submission. This can enable unauthorized access and harmful... N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2023-5675 A flaw was found in Quarkus. When a Quarkus RestEasy Classic or Reactive JAX-RS endpoint has its methods declared in the abstract Java class or customized by Quarkus extensions using the annotation processor, the authorization of these methods will not be enforced if it is enabled by either '' or '' properties. N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2023-6484 A log injection flaw was found in Keycloak. A text string may be injected through the authentication form when using the WebAuthn authentication mode. This issue may have a minor impact to the logs integrity. N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2023-6544 A flaw was found in the Keycloak package. This issue occurs due to a permissive regular expression hardcoded for filtering which allows hosts to register a dynamic client. A malicious user with enough information about the environment could jeopardize an environment with this specific Dynamic Client Registration and TrustedDomain configuration previously unauthorized. N/A N/A
2024-04-25 CVE-2023-6596 An incomplete fix was shipped for the Rapid Reset (CVE-2023-44487/CVE-2023-39325) vulnerability for an OpenShift Containers. N/A N/A