

#Vulnerabilities 29
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2015-07-06 CVE-2015-3281 The buffer_slow_realign function in HAProxy 1.5.x before 1.5.14 and 1.6-dev does not properly realign a buffer that is used for pending outgoing data, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information (uninitialized memory contents of previous requests) via a crafted request. Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Haproxy, Openstack_cloud, Opensuse, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_server_aus, Enterprise_linux_server_eus, Enterprise_linux_server_tus, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Linux_enterprise_high_availability_extension N/A
2023-11-28 CVE-2023-45539 HAProxy before 2.8.2 accepts # as part of the URI component, which might allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information or have unspecified other impact upon misinterpretation of a path_end rule, such as routing index.html#.png to a static server. Haproxy 8.2
2012-05-27 CVE-2012-2942 Buffer overflow in the trash buffer in the header capture functionality in HAProxy before 1.4.21, when global.tune.bufsize is set to a value greater than the default and header rewriting is enabled, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via unspecified vectors. Haproxy N/A
2014-09-30 CVE-2014-6269 Multiple integer overflows in the http_request_forward_body function in proto_http.c in HAProxy 1.5-dev23 before 1.5.4 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a large stream of data, which triggers a buffer overflow and an out-of-bounds read. Haproxy N/A
2016-06-30 CVE-2016-5360 HAproxy 1.6.x before 1.6.6, when a deny comes from a reqdeny rule, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access and crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors. Ubuntu_linux, Haproxy 7.5
2018-05-09 CVE-2018-10184 An issue was discovered in HAProxy before 1.8.8. The incoming H2 frame length was checked against the max_frame_size setting instead of being checked against the bufsize. The max_frame_size only applies to outgoing traffic and not to incoming, so if a large enough frame size is advertised in the SETTINGS frame, a wrapped frame will be defragmented into a temporary allocated buffer where the second fragment may overflow the heap by up to 16 kB. It is very unlikely that this can be exploited... Haproxy, Enterprise_linux 7.5
2018-05-25 CVE-2018-11469 Incorrect caching of responses to requests including an Authorization header in HAProxy 1.8.0 through 1.8.9 (if cache enabled) allows attackers to achieve information disclosure via an unauthenticated remote request, related to the proto_http.c check_request_for_cacheability function. Ubuntu_linux, Haproxy 5.9
2018-09-21 CVE-2018-14645 A flaw was discovered in the HPACK decoder of HAProxy, before 1.8.14, that is used for HTTP/2. An out-of-bounds read access in hpack_valid_idx() resulted in a remote crash and denial of service. Ubuntu_linux, Haproxy, Enterprise_linux, Openshift, Openshift_container_platform 7.5
2018-12-12 CVE-2018-20102 An out-of-bounds read in dns_validate_dns_response in dns.c was discovered in HAProxy through 1.8.14. Due to a missing check when validating DNS responses, remote attackers might be able read the 16 bytes corresponding to an AAAA record from the non-initialized part of the buffer, possibly accessing anything that was left on the stack, or even past the end of the 8193-byte buffer, depending on the value of accepted_payload_size. Ubuntu_linux, Haproxy, Openshift_container_platform 7.5
2018-12-12 CVE-2018-20103 An issue was discovered in dns.c in HAProxy through 1.8.14. In the case of a compressed pointer, a crafted packet can trigger infinite recursion by making the pointer point to itself, or create a long chain of valid pointers resulting in stack exhaustion. Ubuntu_linux, Haproxy, Openshift_container_platform 7.5