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#Vulnerabilities 47
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2024-01-18 CVE-2023-6816 A flaw was found in X.Org server. Both DeviceFocusEvent and the XIQueryPointer reply contain a bit for each logical button currently down. Buttons can be arbitrarily mapped to any value up to 255, but the X.Org Server was only allocating space for the device's particular number of buttons, leading to a heap overflow if a bigger value was used. Debian_linux, Fedora, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Xorg\-Server, Xwayland 9.8
2024-01-18 CVE-2024-0409 A flaw was found in the X.Org server. The cursor code in both Xephyr and Xwayland uses the wrong type of private at creation. It uses the cursor bits type with the cursor as private, and when initiating the cursor, that overwrites the XSELINUX context. Fedora, Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems, Enterprise_linux_for_power_big_endian, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian, Enterprise_linux_for_scientific_computing, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Tigervnc, Xorg\-Server, Xwayland 7.8
2024-01-18 CVE-2024-0408 A flaw was found in the X.Org server. The GLX PBuffer code does not call the XACE hook when creating the buffer, leaving it unlabeled. When the client issues another request to access that resource (as with a GetGeometry) or when it creates another resource that needs to access that buffer, such as a GC, the XSELINUX code will try to use an object that was never labeled and crash because the SID is NULL. Fedora, Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_desktop, Enterprise_linux_for_ibm_z_systems, Enterprise_linux_for_power_big_endian, Enterprise_linux_for_power_little_endian, Enterprise_linux_for_scientific_computing, Enterprise_linux_server, Enterprise_linux_workstation, Tigervnc, Xorg\-Server, Xwayland 5.5
2022-09-01 CVE-2022-2320 A flaw was found in the Xorg-x11-server. The specific flaw exists within the handling of ProcXkbSetDeviceInfo requests. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in a memory access past the end of an allocated buffer. This flaw allows an attacker to escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code in the context of root. Xorg\-Server 7.8
2016-12-13 CVE-2015-3418 The ProcPutImage function in dix/dispatch.c in X.Org Server (aka xserver and xorg-server) before 1.16.4 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (divide-by-zero and crash) via a zero-height PutImage request. Xorg\-Server 7.5
2020-08-05 CVE-2020-14347 A flaw was found in the way xserver memory was not properly initialized. This could leak parts of server memory to the X client. In cases where Xorg server runs with elevated privileges, this could result in possible ASLR bypass. Xorg-server before version 1.20.9 is vulnerable. Ubuntu_linux, Debian_linux, Xorg\-Server 5.5
2023-03-30 CVE-2023-1393 A flaw was found in X.Org Server Overlay Window. A Use-After-Free may lead to local privilege escalation. If a client explicitly destroys the compositor overlay window (aka COW), the Xserver would leave a dangling pointer to that window in the CompScreen structure, which will trigger a use-after-free later. Fedora, Xorg\-Server 7.8
2022-12-14 CVE-2022-4283 A vulnerability was found in X.Org. This security flaw occurs because the XkbCopyNames function left a dangling pointer to freed memory, resulting in out-of-bounds memory access on subsequent XkbGetKbdByName requests.. This issue can lead to local privileges elevation on systems where the X server is running privileged and remote code execution for ssh X forwarding sessions. Debian_linux, Fedora, Enterprise_linux, Xorg\-Server 7.8
2014-12-10 CVE-2014-8094 Integer overflow in the ProcDRI2GetBuffers function in the DRI2 extension in X.Org Server (aka xserver and xorg-server) 1.7.0 through 1.16.x before 1.16.3 allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted request, which triggers an out-of-bounds read or write. Debian_linux, Solaris, Xorg\-Server N/A
2014-12-10 CVE-2014-8091 X.Org X Window System (aka X11 and X) X11R5 and X.Org Server (aka xserver and xorg-server) before 1.16.3, when using SUN-DES-1 (Secure RPC) authentication credentials, does not check the return value of a malloc call, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and server crash) via a crafted connection request. X11, Xorg\-Server N/A