

#Vulnerabilities 37
Date Id Summary Products Score Patch Annotated
2019-08-28 CVE-2019-15752 Docker Desktop Community Edition before allows local users to gain privileges by placing a Trojan horse docker-credential-wincred.exe file in %PROGRAMDATA%\DockerDesktop\version-bin\ as a low-privilege user, and then waiting for an admin or service user to authenticate with Docker, restart Docker, or run 'docker login' to force the command. Geode, Docker 7.8
2017-01-04 CVE-2016-6595 The SwarmKit toolkit 1.12.0 for Docker allows remote authenticated users to cause a denial of service (prevention of cluster joins) via a long sequence of join and quit actions. NOTE: the vendor disputes this issue, stating that this sequence is not "removing the state that is left by old nodes. At some point the manager obviously stops being able to accept new nodes, since it runs out of memory. Given that both for Docker swarm and for Docker Swarmkit nodes are *required* to provide a... Docker 6.5
2017-11-01 CVE-2017-14992 Lack of content verification in Docker-CE (Also known as Moby) versions 1.12.6-0, 1.10.3, 17.03.0, 17.03.1, 17.03.2, 17.06.0, 17.06.1, 17.06.2, 17.09.0, and earlier allows a remote attacker to cause a Denial of Service via a crafted image layer payload, aka gzip bombing. Docker 6.5
2019-02-11 CVE-2019-5736 runc through 1.0-rc6, as used in Docker before 18.09.2 and other products, allows attackers to overwrite the host runc binary (and consequently obtain host root access) by leveraging the ability to execute a command as root within one of these types of containers: (1) a new container with an attacker-controlled image, or (2) an existing container, to which the attacker previously had write access, that can be attached with docker exec. This occurs because of file-descriptor mishandling,... Mesos, Ubuntu_linux, Dc\/os, Kubernetes_engine, Docker, Fedora, Kubernetes_engine, Onesphere, Lxc, Runc, Service_management_automation, Hci_management_node, Solidfire, Backports_sle, Leap, Container_development_kit, Enterprise_linux, Enterprise_linux_server, Openshift 8.6
2014-11-17 CVE-2014-5277 Docker before 1.3.1 and docker-py before 0.5.3 fall back to HTTP when the HTTPS connection to the registry fails, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to conduct downgrade attacks and obtain authentication and image data by leveraging a network position between the client and the registry to block HTTPS traffic. Docker, Docker\-Py N/A
2014-12-16 CVE-2014-9357 Docker 1.3.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code with root privileges via a crafted (1) image or (2) build in a Dockerfile in an LZMA (.xz) archive, related to the chroot for archive extraction. Docker N/A
2014-12-16 CVE-2014-9358 Docker before 1.3.3 does not properly validate image IDs, which allows remote attackers to conduct path traversal attacks and spoof repositories via a crafted image in a (1) "docker load" operation or (2) "registry communications." Docker N/A
2015-05-18 CVE-2015-3627 Libcontainer and Docker Engine before 1.6.1 opens the file-descriptor passed to the pid-1 process before performing the chroot, which allows local users to gain privileges via a symlink attack in an image. Docker, Libcontainer N/A
2015-05-18 CVE-2015-3630 Docker Engine before 1.6.1 uses weak permissions for (1) /proc/asound, (2) /proc/timer_stats, (3) /proc/latency_stats, and (4) /proc/fs, which allows local users to modify the host, obtain sensitive information, and perform protocol downgrade attacks via a crafted image. Docker N/A
2015-05-18 CVE-2015-3631 Docker Engine before 1.6.1 allows local users to set arbitrary Linux Security Modules (LSM) and docker_t policies via an image that allows volumes to override files in /proc. Docker N/A